eMobility voice control
September 6, 2024

Make yourself heard - driving into the eMobility future with AI powered voice control technology

The revolution in electric vehicles (EVs) isn't just about swapping out gas tanks for batteries—it's about redefining the entire driving experience with advanced technologies - like voice recognition. This feature is transforming the way we interact with our vehicles, making every command from navigation to climate control as easy as speaking out loud. Here’s a look at three companies that are not just participating in this transformation; they’re leading it.

Cerence - pioneers of the in-car experience

Cerence stands out in the automotive industry for its innovative approach to voice recognition systems. Their technology is not just about understanding basic commands; it's about creating a conversational relationship between the car and driver. Cerence's AI-powered systems learn from drivers' preferences and patterns, enabling a personalized interaction that feels as natural as chatting with a friend. Their technology has been adopted by leading automakers like BMW and Ford, integrating seamlessly into their infotainment systems to provide a fluid, intuitive user experience.

SoundHound - making soundwaves across brands 

SoundHound, originally famous for its music identification service, has now carved out a significant niche in voice control technology within automotive applications. Their solutions offer robust voice recognition capabilities that cater to a global market, supporting multiple languages and dialects.

SoundHound’s Vehicle Intelligence domain uses AI and large language models to answer questions about absolutely anything. This could be about a car’s functionality, maintenance, or repair - but also about the best restaurant nearby or where the nearest charger is - and it’s all completely hands-free via natural speech. By partnering with manufacturers like Peugeot, Opel, and Vauxhall, SoundHound's technology has become widely used in today’s EV ecosystem. 

Tesla - custom solutions for a custom ride 

Tesla doesn't just innovate in electric powertrains; they also develop bespoke voice command systems that enhance their futuristic ethos. Tesla's in-house voice technology allows drivers to execute a wide array of functions—from adjusting the panoramic sunroof to setting the navigation—all through simple voice commands. This self-reliance in developing voice technology ensures that Tesla’s features are perfectly tailored to their cars' unique capabilities, offering a level of integration that highlights their commitment to user-centric design.

Tesla also has an array of ‘just-for-fun’ commands. For example, if you say ‘eject the passenger seat’, the passengers seat warmers go to full blast. A fun way to scare the living daylights out of a friend!!

It was recently announced that Tesla will integrate Grok - its very own AI intelligence - into vehicles. This promises to revolutionize the way Tesla drivers interact with their cars.

The road ahead 

As voice recognition technology advances, its integration in electric vehicles represents a key frontier in automotive innovation. It’s not merely about convenience but about creating a safer driving environment where the driver’s eyes and attention can remain where they belong—on the road. With companies like Cerence, SoundHound, and Tesla pushing forward, the future of driving is clearly heading towards an era where talking to your car will be just as normal as talking on your phone.

This shift is supported by not only enhancing the user experience but also by improving safety and accessibility, showcasing how technology can transform everyday interactions into something extraordinary. As we continue to witness advancements in this space, it becomes clear that the voice command systems are more than just a feature—they are becoming the central hub of vehicle operation.

How Nexxt Industry supports the eMobility communication technology sector

At Nexxt Industry, we offer eMobility marketing services with a decade of industry experience, including expertise in marketing for the communication technology sector. With us, you instantly add years of eMobility marketing experience to your eMobility marketing team.

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