eMobility ecosystem canvas

eMobility ecosystem canvas

The eMobility ecosystem canvas - The ultimate lever for growing your eMobility marketing results. Explore the ecosystem in depth and discover new marketing streams.

Successful eMobility marketers think from the ecosystem rather than traditional marketing channels. The better you know the ecosystem and your partners, the more effective your marketing efforts will be. The canvas is a free resource that helps you easily explore the eMobility ecosystem and identify new marketing streams.

Why use the eMobility
ecosystem canvas

Finding your way in the eMobility ecosystem can be challenging. However, marketers must understand the ecosystem very well to be most effective. The canvas will assist your marketing team in diving deep into the ecosystem, discovering potential partnerships that matter, and enhancing the outcomes of their marketing efforts.

How to use it

1.  Download the free PDF; 
2. Open it on a large screen or print it on A1 paper and put it on the wall;
3. The canvas shows you all parts of the eMobility ecosystem - familiarize yourself with it;
4. Identify your company’s position in the ecosystem;
5. Note the companies you are connected with in each box;
6. Now that you have an overview of your connections, identify potential marketing streams and note them in the marketing streams box;
7. The result is an overview of your ecosystem and  marketing streams that will benefit your marketing and increase your results.

The eMobility
ecosystem canvas workshop

The canvas is designed for marketers or anyone else working in eMobility. To fully benefit from it, we offer a workshop where we assist you in identifying your company's position and key partners in the ecosystem. We also help you identify potential marketing streams that will maximize the results of your marketing budget.

Why you should book the workshop

Take advantage of our decade of industry and marketing experience by exploring the ecosystem together. During a half-day workshop, our team will help you better understand your position in the ecosystem and find opportunities to grow your results. Discussing the ecosystem in person will give you better insights and faster results. The workshop can take place at your offices or remotely, whichever you prefer.

Are you ready to explore the ecosystem and grow your marketing results?

Send us your name and email address and we'll get back to you to discuss the workshop details, set the date and get started together!

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